Works in collections:
Centre Georges Pompidou, Musee National D'Art
Moderne, Paris
Videonale, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Sammlung Oppenheim, Bonn
ZKM | Zentrum
Für Kunst Und Medien Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe
AIACE, Milan
Video Des Beaux Jours, Strasbourg
Australian Centre For The Moving Image, Melbourne
Centro Audiovisivi, Bolzano
Ludwig Museum, Budapest
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
Private collection of Katalin Spengler - Zsolt Somlói, Budapest
Private collections in Austria, Hungary, USA, Canada, England, Germany
Selected solo exhibitions:
“Puppet and Gravity”, Ani Molnár Gallery, Budapest
“Viewpoints”, virtual exhibition, Saarländisches Künstlerhaus,
“Imaginary Cameras”, Ludwig museum – Museum of Contemporary Art,
“Imaginary Cameras”, La Biennale di Venezia, 58th international Art
Exhibition, Hungarian Pavilion, Organization Ludwig museum – Museum of
Contemporary Art
“Optical Instruments”, Lumenvisum Gallery, Hong Kong
“Cameras and Other Optical Instruments”, Molnár Ani Gallery, Budapest
“Cameras”, L3 Gallery, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, City
University, Hong Kong
"Homes | Photography and New Media Art", Lumenvisum Gallery, Hong Kong
“Dance with the Interval”, Goethe Institut Hongkong, HK Arts Centre,
Hong Kong
"Apt Art", Hong Kong
“Selected Works 1986–2003”, Pixel Gallery, Millennium Park, Budapest
“Animations for the Internet”, C3 Gallery, Budapest
“Continental Drift”, Leeds Metropolitan University Gallery, Leeds
“Trilogy”, NTT/ICC Gallery, Tokyo
Galerie 172, Paris
Selected group exhibitions, festivals, symposiums:
Nuit Blanche 2024, Europa Expérience Paris
20th Bátor Tábor Contemporary Art Auction
XVI National Symposium of the Brazilian Association of Cyberculture
Researchers – ABCiber, TechnoPoetic Becomings exhibition at MASM - Santa
Maria Museum of Art, RS, Brazil
Budapest Contemporary Art Fair (with Ani Molnar Gallery)
Luminotheque. Exhibition of the International Kepes Society’s Light
Artists, Vasarely Museum, Budapest
International Kepes Society: Light Symposium, Budapest
Image Forum Festival at the Image Forum Theater in Tokyo, Japan
ARTIFICIAL GENESIS | Schafhof - European Art Forum Upper Bavaria,
Freising, Germany
"Illusions" exhibition, m21 Gallery, LOKART Festival, Zsolnay Cultural
Quarter, Pecs, Hungary
Kick Cancer Collection at the 39th Art Brussels (with Ani Molnar
ARCOmadrid (with Ani Molnar Gallery), Madrid, Spain
“Expect the Unexpected | Aktuelle Konzepte für Fotografie”, Kunstmuseum
"Reinventing Image-Making", Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
Art Market Budapest (with Ani Molnar Gallery)
Chengdou Biennale, Chengdu Contemporary Art Museum, Tianfu Art Museum,
"How to Win at Photography - Image-Making as Play", Fotomuseum
Art Brussels online exhibition on Artsy with Ani Molnar Gallery
“Art Machines Past/Present”, 5/F, Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall, Lau Ming
Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
Luxembourg Art Week, with Saarlandisches Künstlerhaus, Luxembourg
Ars Electronica 2020 | Garden HONG KONG by School of Creative Media /
CityU, Hong Kong
ESOF, EuroScience Open biennial, pan-European Conference and Exhibition,
Time Machine – A New Selection from the Collection of the Ludwig Museum,
FFS Wednesday - Tamas Waliczky: Imaginary Cameras - presentation, Mai
Manó Ház, Budapest
MAPS 2020: The Dead Web - The End, conference, Ludwig Museum - Museum of
Contemporary Art, Budapest
Writing the History of the Future - The ZKM Collection, ZKM, Karlsruhe
Hong Kong In-between, A38 Gallery, Budapest
Art Brussels 2019 with Ani Molnár Gallery, Brussels
“Exit Strategies”, H Queen’s, Hong Kong
Art Market Budapest fair with Ani Molnár Gallery, Budapest
Vienna Contemporary international art fair, Vienna (Ani Molnar Gallery)
"In Need of" exhibition, Street View, Belgium
“Art in Motion. 100 Masterpieces with and through Media”, ZKM | Zentrum
für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe
Osage Gallery at Photo Macau 2018 with Tamas Waliczky, Hall A Level 1,
Venetian Cotai Expo Hall, Macau
“Issues of uncertainty”, Molnár Ani Galéria, Budapest
“Digitális bennszülöttek, digitális bevándorlók”, Új Budapest Galéria,
EXiM 2017 - Cross-Straits Experimental Animation Festival in Macao,
Macao Museum of Art
Artissima Torino (Molnár Ani Galéria), Torino
Budapesti Művészeti Vásár (Molnár Ani Galéria), Budapest
Rendezvous der Freunde II, NATURE ON/OFF, nah dran | ZWÖLF STUNDEN
KUNSTGESCHICHTE IN OSNABRÜCK, University of Osnabrück | Institut of Art
“Children's Tales?” exhibition, Brass’Art Digitaal Cafe,
Molenbeek-Saint-Jean Brussels, Belgium
"Save as... What Will Remain of New Media Art?" exhibition, Ludwig
Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, Hungary
"Picturing Childhood | The Child in Hungarian Art Past and Present"
exhibition, Budapest History Museum, Castle Museum, Budapest, Hungary
SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 Art Gallery, Macau University of Science and
Technology, Macau
"The Age of Experience" exhibition, Angewandte Innovation Laboratory,
University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Austria
"2016 Hong Kong and Macao Visual Arts Biennial", Henan Art Museum
"2016 Hong Kong and Macao Visual Arts Biennial", Dunhuang for The Silk
Road Dunhuang International Culture Expo
"2016 Hong Kong and Macao Visual Arts Biennial", Beijing Minsheng Art
EXiS, International Experimental Film & Video Festival in Seoul,
South Korea
RIDCH Conference on Digital Art and Film, Open University of Hong Kong
"Hungarian Artists and the Computer", Hungarian National Gallery,
"ISEA2016 Hong Kong | Cultural R>evolution.", 22nd International
Symposium on Electronic Art, Hong Kong
"Third Culture Film Festival 2016", California Tower, Hong Kong
"RIDCH Conference on Digital Culture 2015, Animation Techniques and the
Digital Art", The Open University of Hong Kong
"TIMEBASE | Time-Based Media in Contemporary Art", New Budapest Gallery,
"Nature On | Off, Internationale Videokunst: Natur, Landschaft und
Garten", University of Osnabrück
"Getuscht & Geschnitten", Stadtische Galerie In der Badstube, Wangen
im Allgau
3. Urania Filmnapok, Budapest
LUDWIG 25. The Contemporary Collection. The new permanent exhibition of
the Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest
ISEA2014 "Location", The 20th International Symposium on Electronic Art,
Lobo Listone Gallery, Dubai
"Free Fall", Chimera-Project Gallery for Contemporary Art, Budapest
"Meet the Curators", Asian Experimental Video Festival, CMC, Hong Kong
"Animamix Biennale | This Slow - That Fast", CMC, Hong Kong
"Animamix Biennale | This Slow - That Fast", Oi!, Oil Street Art Space,
Hong Kong
re-new digital arts festival, Copenhagen
Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre Summer Festival (an Art Basel Hong
Kong related extibition), CMC, Hong Kong
"FILE - Electronic Language International Festival", Sao Paulo, Brazil
"The Virtual Centre Pompidou", Centre national d'art et de culture
Georges Pompidou
"Frejm baj Frejm", Neolog Synagogue in Zilina, Slovakia
"Quadratic Equations", Kepes Institution, Eger
"The Burning Edge; Making Space, Activating Form / First Major
Exhibition Showcases The Work of Creative Media Faculty", Creative Media
Centre, City University of Hong Hong
“FILE - Electronic Language International Festival", Centro Cultural
Fiesp - Ruth Cardoso and Cervantes Institute, Sao Paulo, Brazil
"Global Pioneers of Contemporary Art Animation: USA, Europe and Asia
Symposium", Theatre, Hong Kong Heritage Museum
"New Acquisitions 2009-2010", Ludwig Museum, Budapest
“MA Curating the Contemporary”, London Metropolitan University
"Animáció mint kiállítási tárgy", VÁROSI KÉPTÁR, Székesfehérvár
"Folyamatok III. Animáció", VIDEOSPACE, Budapest
"Animáció mint kiállítási tárgy", LUDWIG MUSEUM, Budapest
"Bloom", Bury Art Gallery, Manchester
"Kinetikus kép", 2B Gallery Budapest
"Project Processing 4. Animation as media art", MOME, Budapest
"Imaging Media. produced@zkm", ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und
Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe
“Intermodem”, MODEM, Debrecen
"Imaginative Shadows - a wizard in the star-spangled night", Visual
Museum (Sai-No-Kuni Visual Plaza, Skipcity), Saitama-prefecture, Japan
"Computer Baroque", Tate Modern, London
“Youniverse – Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo de Sevilla” (BIACS3), Seville
"Hommage a Kovásznai", Pixel Gallery, Budapest
"Image Science - Scientific Images", Gallery 22, Budapest
"Maecenas Days – Eleven Contemporary Private Collections", Palace of
Exhibitions, Budapest
"La Celda", Mesias Maiguashca's opera with Tamás Waliczky's video
sequences, Warschau
"Nuove Forme Nell’Interazione Uomo-Macchina", AiEP, Civica Galleria
d’Arte Moderna di Gallarate, Milano
"Wolfgang Von Kempelen - Media Art And History Exhibition", Kunsthalle,
"Play Innovation" Kitakyushu Innovation Gallery & Studio, Kitakyushu
"Let Us Go Together Into The Future!", East Slovak Gallery, Kosice
"Wolfgang Von Kempelen - Mensch in der Maschine", ZKM | Zentrum für
Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe
"Adventures For Eyes / Percosi Visuali", MediaTime, Centro Audiovisivi
"D'Arts", Mûvészetek Háza, Veszprém
"7th International Light Symposium", Hungarian Academy of Arts, Budapest
"Animotion", Pixel Gallery, Budapest
"Recontres Internationales Sciences Et Cinemas", Marseille
"Abtauchen - Wasser In Der Literatur", Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe
"Screenland", Horsebridge Arts and Community Centre, Whitstable
Asolo Art Film Festival, Asolo
TUFA, Trier
Film/Video/Digital, Nasher Art Museum, Duke University, Durham
“Space In Sculpture – The Space Of Sculpture”, Palace of Exhibitions,
“Digital Forest”, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo
FILE 2003 Festival, Brazil
“Plastica Dreams”, Palace of Exhibitions, Budapest
“Magic Shadows”, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo
“Transfigure”, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne
VIPER Basel, Internationales Festival für Film Video und Neue Medien,
"Streaming Media", ZKM, Karlsruhe
Videobrasil, International Electronic Art Festival, Itinerancy,
Salvador, Bahia
Festival Internazionale Del Film Sull‘ Arte, Asolo
“Anteprima Bovisa, Milano Europa 2000”, Padiglione d’ Arte
Contemporanea, Milan
Videobrasil, Sao Paulo
"Fourth Biennale - The World Forum for Media and Culture", Ogaki
“Intuition, Innovation, Invention”, Palace of Exhibitions, Budapest
“Enter Multimediale”, Prague
Mediawave Festival, Gyôr
EXPO2000 project, Saar-Terassen, Saarbrücken
Dissection, The Macau Museum of Art, Macau
“Media Model”, Palace of Exhibitions, Budapest
“Digital Alice”, Seoul
5. International Shadow Theatre Festival, Schwäbisch Gmünd
ISEA, Párizs / Paris
"AIR" exhibition, Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo
“Perspective”, Kunsthalle, Budapest
“The Interaction ´99 – Expanding the Human Interface”, Softopia, Ogaki
“Peripherical Visions”, Sydney
“Media Time”, Centro Audiovisivi, Bolzano
"Surrogate", ZKM, Karlsruhe
Offenes Kulturhaus, Linz
The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh
DEAF ´98 (The Art Of The Accident), Rotterdam
Prix Ars Electronica, Linz
Multimediale 5, ZKM, Karlsruhe
“The Butterfly Effect”, Kunsthalle, Budapest
"CD-ROM: Burning The Interface", Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
8. International Festival of Animated Film, Stuttgart
“Image and Bibliography”, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography,
“Arslab – I sensi del Virtuale”, Extramuseum Divulgazione Scientifica,
“3e Biennale d’ art contemporaine de Lyon”, Lyon
Mediawave Festival, Gyôr
Multimediale 4, ZKM, Karlsruhe
ISEA ‘95, Montreal
4th International Festival Films & Videos - “Autour De La
Naissance”, Paris
“Europa-Europa”, Kunst- Und Ausstellungshalle Der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland, Bonn
"Version 1.0", Geneva
"La Métafort", Auborvilliers
"Techno Art", Ontario Science Centre, Ontario
"Electronie D’Arte e Altre Scritture", Torino, Milano, Bologna, Firenze,
Adelaide Festival, Melbourne
"A.S.T.A.R.T.I. Image Mutations", Paris
"Iconographics", Milano
7. International Festival of Animated Film, Stuttgart
Hong Kong International Film Festival, Hong-Kong
Prix Ars Electronica, Linz
International Festival of Video and Electronic Art, Locarno
Videonale 6, Bonn
“Interface 2. Weltbilder-Bildwelten”, Hamburg Multimediale 3, ZKM,
Imagina, Monte Carlo
Mediawave ‘93, Gyôr
"Sintesi ‘93", Lugano
WRO ‘93, Wroczlaw
MUU Media Festival, Helsinki
"Observatoire De L’Image", Paris
SIGGRAPH, Los Angeles
London Film Festival, London
Ostranenie ‘93, Bauhaus Dessau, Dessau
Mediatech, Premio Imagine, Milano
"Computermüvészet, Médiamüvészet", Budapest
Zentrum Für Kunst Und Medientechnologie (ZKM), Karlsruhe
TISEA, Sydney
IMAGINA, Monte-Carlo
IVCA Festival, London
Modern Dance Theatre, New York
Video Positive Festival, Liverpool
Video Art, Locarno
Fukui Video Festival, Fukui
Berlin I.F.A. Internationales Festival für Animation, Berlin
“Passages De L’Image”, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
“El Art”, Retretti Art Center, Punkaharju
IMAGINA, Monte-Carlo
“Trevisocartoon”, Treviso
Prix Ars Electronica, Linz
SISEA, Groningen
Los Angeles International Film Festival, Los Angeles
“Art Interfaces With The Computer” Symposium, Rennes
“Video-Visions”, Frankfurt
“10iéme Journees Internationales De La Photographie Et De
L’Audiovisuel”, Montpellier
Scan Video Festival, Tokyo
Prix Ars Electronica, Linz
Galerie Robert Doisneau, Nancy
Prix Ars Electronica, Linz
P.L.E.I.A.S. - Perspectives de Liaisons Européennes Images et Arts de
Synthese, Université de Paris 1, Paris
"DIGITART I.", Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
"Puppet and Gravity", Ani Molnar Gallery, Budapest, (Courtesy of Ani
Molnar Gallery, Photo by Péter Drapkó)
"Expect the Unexpected | Aktuelle Konzepte für Fotografie", Kunstmuseum
Bonn, (Courtesy of Kunstmuseum Bonn, Photo by David Ertl)
"Reinventing Image-Making", Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, (Courtesy of
Tokyo Photographic Art Museum Photo: INOUE Sayuki)
La Biennale di Venezia 2019, Hungarian Pavilion (Photo by Jozsef Rosta)
"Art in Motion. 100 Masterpieces with and through Media", ZKM,
Karlsruhe, 2018
"Cameras and other optical instruments", Ani Molnar Gallery, Budapest,
"Cameras", L3 Gallery, CMC, CityU, 2018
"Picturing Childhood", Budapest History Museum, 2016
SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 Art Gallery, Macau, 2016
Age of Experience, Angewandte Innovation Laboratory, Vienna, 2016
2016 Hong Kong and Macao Visual Arts Biennial, Beijing Minsheng Art
Museum, 2016
"Hungarian Artists and the Computer", Hungarian National Gallery, 2016
"ISEA2016 Hong Kong | Cultural R>evolution.", 22nd International
Symposium on Electronic Art, Hong Kong, 2016
"TIMEBASE | Time-Based Media in Contemporary Art", New Budapest Gallery,
"homes | Photography and New Media Art", Lumenvisum Gallery, 2015
"Internationale Videokunst: Natur, Landschaft und Garten", University of
Osnabrück, 2015
Stadtische Galerie In der Badstube, Wangen im Allgau, 2015
Ludwig Museum, Budapest, 2014
ISEA2014, Lobo Listone Gallery, Dubai, 2014
Chimera-Project, Budapest, 2014
Animamix Biennale, CMC and Oi!, 2014
re-new festival, Copenhagen, 2013
CMC Summer Festival, 2013
Dance with the Interval solo exhibition, Goethe Institut Hongkong, 2013
Paulo, 2012 (Photo provided by FILE)
The Burning Edge; Making Space, Activating Form, CMC, Hong Kong, 2012
APT ART Exhibition, Hong Kong, 2011
BLOOM exhibition, Bury
Art Gallery, England, 2010 (Photo provided by Bury Gallery)
MAGINING MEDIA, produced@zkm, ZKM, Karlsruhe, 2009
IMAGINATIVE SHADOWS, Visual Museum, SKIPCITY, Japan, 2009 (Images
provided by Visual Museum)
BIACS3, Seville, 2008
PLAY INNOVATION Kitakyushu Innovation Gallery & Studio, Kitakyushu
(Photo provided by the gallery)
Wolfgang Von Kempelen - Media Art and History Exhibition, Kunsthalle,
Budapest, 2007
Selected works of Tamás Waliczky, Pixel Gallery, Budapest, 2005
Animations for the internet, C3, Budapest, 2002
Milano Europa 2000, Milano, 2001
Perspectiva, Kunsthalle, Budapest, 1999 (Picture provided by C3)
Surrogate, ZKM, Karlsruhe, 1998 (Pictures provided by ZKM)
VR Dialogue, ZKM, Karlsruhe, 1997 (Pictures provided by ZKM)
Trilogy, NTT/ICC gallery, Tokyo, 1996 (Pictures provided by NTT/ICC)
Image and Bibliography, Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, 1995
(Pictures provided by Metropolitan Museum of Photography)
Multimediale 3, ZKM, Karlsruhe, 1993